Is it possible to lerp the stereo spread of a playing audio component in tick at runtime?
Yes, it is! In a blueprint from the audio component you can get either the attenuation settings or directly set the attenuation overrides on it. However, this can get messy since the struct for attenuation overrides is huuuge.
I have not tested it, but you could also achieve it directly in the sound cue by using the nodes “crossfade by param” and two “attenuation” nodes, like so:
In the attenuation nodes, you set one override with more spread, the other with less. With the parameter name like “StereoSpread” you can then in a blueprint update the parameter on the audio component by calling “set float parameter” with the parameter name “StereoSpread” you used in the sound cue.
There you just lerp the float from 0 to 1.
I hope that helps.
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