Can you combine animations inside sequencer? I have an animation for face mocap data… and an animation for body mocap data… I would like the face mocap to play with the body… How can i do this?
Hey ,
This is on our to-do list for sequencer along with blending animations with sequencer. The proposed method appears to involve additive animations and possibly Anim Slots. I’ve added your interest to UE-30506.
What about blending individual joints or joint chains? For whatever reason when i use additive in a blueprint… it moves everything :/… not just the head… it literally tries to blend the arms into hte bind pose for some reason…
Hey ,
That sounds like a whole other issue. Could you log that separately and we’ll look into it?
Hi and ,
Did you get a chance to solve the original request of being able to add mo-cap seperate for face and body.
I am currently wanting to do cinematics in UE4.14 by running Mo-cap from XSens into MB or Maya then FBX out to UE to rough out the animations.
Then go back with FaceWearTech captured through Maya (wanting to use ‘Retargeter’ software from them) and export a separate file to add for the face animation.
We`ve been banging our heads against the wall trying to figure it out. About to try and bring in the head as a separate mesh and connect it to the body via a socket, maybe that works.
I am curious how the AAA guys do the facial animation.
The next step is to use the FaceWearTech Live plugin and Run the XSens into UE via IKinema, but I want to get this working first.
Thanks for any support.
Hey newimaging,
Yes, the method of running animation tracks through different slots and combining them in an animation blueprint works as of 4.13.
Essentially you import the facial animations as additive, then create two slots (Body and Face). In the AnimBP, you plug the two slots into an Apply Additive node. After this is applied to the skeletal mesh in your level, you can play animation tracks through those slots. It essentially plays them both at once.
The other method is to avoid additive and do “Layered blend per bone”, like below:
On a side note, we will have the ability to blend animations on the timeline in future releases, but to play multiple animations on different parts of a , you’ll need to use slots.
Thanks ,
Is there a current tutorial you could point us to that demonstrates how to use this method by using one slot for skeletal animation for body, and using a 2nd slot for driving blend shapes from a 2nd fbx file. Then also attaching dialogue audio that syncs up with speaking lines. I am sure a lot of people are doing this, just haven`t found a tutorial that shows this off anywhere.
Thanks for all the help.
Apologies, but the non-additive workflow that I mentioned above is not supported anymore. My mistake there.
The additive method is similar though:
- Import your facial animations and mark them as additive
- Set up and AnimBP with the AnimGraph like the screenshot below:
- Add a skeletal mesh actor to the level
- Change it’s Anim Mode to “Use Animation Blueprint”
- Switch it’s animclass to the AnimBP you created
- Add the skeletal mesh actor to a sequencer track
- Create an animation track with both animations
- Right click on each Animation>Properties>Slot Name and enter the appropriate slot.
You can find info about creating anim slots [here][2].
Hi !
I followed this method but ran into an issue where the mesh explodes after attaching the apply additive node. I can lower this effect by using a lower alpha value, but it lowers the over all effect of the blend. Any recommendations?
Did you make your animation sequence additive? You’ll need to do that from the details panel after opening the animation sequence.