can you change the appearance of a button?

can you change the appearance of a button?

Hi TBC-Panda !

There’s a few different styles for UI buttons, here’s our documentation page for UI elements.

If you are talking about the Button Device, you can set it’s “Visible During Game” toggle to False (unchecked) and use your own mesh. The Button Device will be invisible but will still be interactable.


Hope this helps !

Now that’s interesting. Do you have an example of how to make our own mesh respond to a button interaction?

An example would be to animate the button using a Cinematic Sequence and Cinematic Sequence Device, by doing a transform animation on the mobile parts of the button.

See Cinematic Sequence Device

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Hmm… I’ll have to try that. I was thinking of trying with one of those “emergency off” large push buttons that are on large machinery. Can I control pieces of the mesh or bring in two pieces and move one? I made a button where I changed the mesh for the button, but couldn’t see where I could activate a different state or set the “on” state like the default button has.

Actually scratch what I mentioned hiding the button, there’s now the ability to use a custom mesh on Buttons using the “Custom Mesh” variable.

You can then animate that button with the sequencer (to do that “pressed in” motion).
You can also use a rigged skeletal mesh to play your animations with the Animated Mesh Device.
See Animation and Cinematics in our documentation for these two methods.



Yes, I did the mesh part, as noted above, but wasn’t sure on how to animate it as it’s a single mesh object in UEFN (although not in Blender). I’ll check out the docs page you linked. Thank you for sticking with me on this one!

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Hi @Antoine_Guillo , In regards to the same topic, I wanted to question, can we have any mesh be used to replace the button device’s mesh ?

I have a separate topic opened, where I have screenshots attached. It basically fails validation for any mesh I use, be it UEFN, Fornite or External Meshes.

Link to the topic - Custom Mesh for Button Device | UEFN

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What kind of validation error are you getting ?

@Antoine_Guillo This is the error that appears -

And this is same for no matter what kind of Mesh is being used. The mesh I am currently using is already availabile in the Fortnite’s Content browser.

Here is the error in much more detail -

Found disallowed object type /Game/Environments/Props/Ranger/Meshes/Prop_VisitorCenter_Info_02.Prop_VisitorCenter_Info_02, Referenced by:See below for asset list, Plugin mount point:/HandsApart.


Here is a screenshot of the Log -

I hope this helps.

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Where did you find this asset ? I can’t find it in the list of available mesh assets at the path the error returns.

Note that using mesh references that are in FortPlaysetPropItemDefinition assets (ie Fortnite Props) in a device’s custom mesh is not something you can do, and it will trigger a Validation fail ! You need to either use a custom mesh you made or imported in UEFN, or use one of the meshes available when searching the Fortnite content folder with the “Static Mesh” asset filter.

You can use the method I mentioned at the beginning of the thread by hiding your button device and using the prop with some animation.



Hey @Antoine_Guillo this is exactly what I was wanting to know. Is there any reason fortnite prop meshes are locked from usage ?

I did use the other method and yes that works. But for immersion purposes I was hoping the props can themself turn into a button / trigger.

Thank you for the fast response on this.

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Hey Paul, sorry for the delay !

Right now we are limiting this for parity with Fortnite Creative.
We’ll be looking into how you and the community could use FN assets on devices.

Cheers !


That is understandle. Thanks for getting back to me.