Can you change Is Focusable on an Expandable Area widget?

Title is pretty straightforward, but I’m using the keyboard TAB key to open/close my game menu; however, when I get to a widget (via widget switcher) that contains multiple Expandable Area widgets, they are capturing focus.

In the designer there are no “Is Focusable” options for the Expandable Area at root, Header, or Body. Just want to confirm that I’m not missing something? Would be a nice feature to have if I’m right.

Not all widget sport the isFocusable flag. It’s most likely a conscious choice rather than omission but I’m uncertain as to why.

Did you try to wrap the Expandable Area with a User Widget and give that focus? Would that work?

Well, I’m actually looking to avoid having it get focus. I’ll try wrapping it in a focusable element and see what happens!