I wanna blend an animation of reload with my moving animations what I mean is I wanna make my reload animation play even though my character is moving and for this I made an animation of reloading but in that reloading animation my character is standing still (In Idle Pose) and I know if I use this animation to reload in ue4 it will be all right if I stand still while playing but my question is will I be able to play same reload animation even while moving forward? or do I have to make separate animation of reloading while moving forward (What I mean is I don’t want my character stop while reloading I want his legs to be moving and play reload animation while walking forward just like in call of duty, Battle field etc.) I haven’t experimented this until now because before starting I wanna know if this is possible.
Hey there, you need to use a layered blend per bone node in the animation graph and an animation montage (although you can do this with state machines aswell). You can check about that here.