Can you blend a montage with a montage?

I am fresh to UE4 so any help/advice would be great!
I was wondering if it was possible to blend a montage with another montage?

For example, instead of using blendspaces, what if I wanted to create my walking animations as montages (have the animation drive the speed of the character) and have, lets say, the Walk_Fwd montage blend with the Walk_Right montage? The reason why I ask this is because, if this was possible, there would be no foot sliding whatsoever if animated appropriately.

Is it recommended that we just use blendpaces and manually set the walk speed to best match the animation? is there a better way of achieving zero foot sliding for animations during play?

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Has no one run into foot sliding problems like my question above?

I have this exact issue. Would love an answer on the best way to get rid of foot sliding with a third person game.

You can use root motion with blendspaces (although I’m not sure if it was possible at the time you asked the question). In your animation blueprint, under Edit Defaults → Root Motion, set Root Motion Mode to “Root Motion From Everything”.

To answer the initial question “Can you blend a montage with a montage” the answer is no because you cannot have two montages playing at once which would be necessary to blend the two. Generally the footsliding issue is handle by exiting a montage and entering a blendspace in the state machine, or by using root motion as anthony has described.