I know its been asked before. Trust me, iv’e done enough google searches, and linking me to stuff that doesn’t answer the question without going into specifics of the essence of the question i’m asking is not going to help.
So with that being said, ill keep it simple with a hypothetical.
Can a game as complex as Fortnite/ Counter Strike be remade purely with blueprints?
With all the elements that these types of games have (like server browsers/matchmaking etc.)
Good things to note are: If I were to make a game it would be on steam (im pretty sure this affects networking)
And there’d be server-client matchmaking (correct me if im wrong, but what my understanding of what this means is, servers would host games with, in my case, a small number (6) of players, one of them would be host. Im pretty sure this is what call of duty does. However it would absolutely have to be a small number of players because most people’s internet cannot handle more than about 7 clients connected to a game at once.
I’d do this because Im unable to pay for servers of course.
Or there would just be dedicated servers that people pay to host like garry’s mod or unturned.
Some things ive noticed might be a problem with blueprints that, if true, completely invalidate the idea that blueprints can make a complex game are:
Writing to files https://forums.unrealengine.com/deve…48293-file-i-o
Because im pretty sure that applies to saving data in a video game too.
Also i’ve heard that something called voxels are not possible without coding, which im pretty sure is how Fortnites building mechanic works.
Also ive heard that dynamic meshes arent possible without coding (im not sure id use this though)
Also I remember trying to make a game back in November, and having trouble with the character movement component’s collision mesh not being able to go into a prone position (it only does stand and crouch). I then thought, well, I might as well make my own movement component and apply it to a pawn class. I asked how to do this and the forums told me that this is only possible with c++.
Also, the reason I came here is because the first comment on my reddit post wasnt exactly helpful, and I hope nobody here does the same, because this type of thing happens just about every time I make a forum post like this. Reddit - Dive into anything