Can we teleport prop_mover_device to move prop?

Hello, I am tying to move creative_props in game. I am thinking of teleporting prop_mover_device to a prop and move that prop. Is that possible with current uefn? Or is that possible by attaching prop_mover_device to every creative_prop?

I’m not sure if you’re aware or not but you can use .MoveTo() to move a prop or TeleportTo[] to teleport a prop. If I were you I wouldn’t rely much on prop_mover_device when it comes to moving props. Here is an example:

# MoveTo(:vector3, :rotation, :float)
# the float indicates how much time it takes to move to the new location & rotation
MyProp.MoveTo(vector3{X:= 1.5, Y:= 55.1, Z:= 0.0}, IdentityRotation(), 1.5)

Another example with TeleportTo[]

# Same as '.MoveTo()' but without float
# Keep in mind that '.TeleportTo[]' must be used in a failable context because it could fail
if { MyProp.TeleportTo[vector3{X:= 1.5, Y:= 55.1, Z:= 0.0}, IdentityRotation()] }

I have used teleport to teleport devices. But i need events that are given with the prop_mover_device like, prop hit event and prop stop event. That gives more control on the prop. The events are the reason I am experimenting with prop_mover_device.

I see but yeah tracking damage on creative_prop is not a thing at this time. I hope they add such thing in the future!

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