Can we get customizable shortcuts?

Another update and another change in the main shortcuts.

I think this is the third time and the second in very short period that the shortcuts are changed for the gizmo (move, rotate and scale).

It's by far the shortcuts I use the most, but somehow TM prioritized the orbit/camera speed putting them on 1-6. Since they've added more speeds (again) the gizmo has moved up. Now I keep hitting the 6 accidentaly and have rocket speed.

Maybe it's just me, but I hardly switch orbit/cam speed within a project, set it and forget it.

In time I'll learn them of course, if they don't change yet again. The main issue though is that their in a bad/akward position. Left hand is on the left side of the keyboard, now 7-9 are just too far away.

Easy fix would be customizable shortcuts, like basically every piece of software has since 1990.

Maybe its just me, but it's pretty annoying when these shortcuts keep changing.

Hello ,

Thanks for sharing your feedback.

Customizable keyboard shortcuts is a feature that's on our radar, but not something that is in active development. Please leave a vote on our roadmap for this feature here, as we use these votes to gauge interest in planned features, and the more interest we see, the likelier a feature is to be prioritized. If you have any other features you'd like to see, please use the Submit Idea option on the roadmap, as our team checks each idea submitted, and it is the best place to make your voice heard regarding feature requests and improvements.



Thank you Raghib,

I hadn't seen it was already on the consideration list.