Can we get commit messages in Git instead of the obfuscated commit numbers?

Currently the Git logs show the following for commits:
Engine source (4.0 branch up to CL 2027741)
Engine source (4.0 branch up to CL 2027741)
Engine source (4.0 branch up to CL 2027741)
Engine source (4.0 branch up to CL 2027551)

Obviously the Epic team have their own internal Git repo and once it reaches a certain stability they push it out to Git public. It would be great if it wasn’t so obfuscated. Or at the very least it would be great to see what ‘Tickets’ the team have solved in that collection of commits (I’m assuming Epic manage their work via tickets or some sort).

Those are Perforce change lists.

And? Is there some relevance here I’m missing as to why the commit messages need to be obfuscated?

Merging between VCSs are not always smooth, this may be an artifact of the system conversion. This may also be needed for earlier development and contributions from licensees to be shielded. Going forward things should be easier to see in the logs.

Currently we merge changes from our internal P4 server to GitHub in blocks, hence just including the CL we are going up to. Soon I believe we want to integrate each checkin individually, so it will be easier then to include the actual changelist description. We are working hard to streamline this process, thank you for your patience while we work it all out!

Sounds good thanks