Can we get an ETA on the 186 Dev Kit

, how about an ETA? No one here is going to go sideways if you miss it or delay it.


BUMP, because I’m also curious

It doesn’t seem like anyone is watching this forum.

Yea it is sad that we are stuck waiting for this update :frowning: With no info at all. I would love to see us getting the patches earlier than the game is patched so we have at least time to fix our mods if patch mess something up. Right now I don’t want to work on something just to realise that next patch will overwrite all my work.

I’ve got a rather large data-mod that I was planning on releasing monday, but I’m basically dead in the water until the devkit updates. I can either release an outdated mod that lacks awesome new features from the current patch level like the dino kibble and grill or just leave it sit there…mocking me…with its mod powered deliciousness…

I would even gladly take a beta branch of the updated devkit if it was available. I’ll deal with weird crashes and debug messages in my devkit if it means I can finally share my work with people, and enjoy my madness with the ability to use current goodies.

The more I think about it, the more it probably doesn’t matter.

By the time they get us the 186 kit, they will be on 187.

Honestly, it’s probably just too early to be developing mods. Especially with their insane release schedule.

Yea, it seems like the mods will be more for us to develop them a little behind the main game. Either a server gets hosted that’s a slightly backdated version (items at least) or you have to wait until main game development slows WAAAAYYYY down. Lol

I get it though, why would they put much focus on the DevKit and keeping it up to date when they are constantly changing and adding new files.

Personally, I would just be happy if they kept the DevKit updated with their main database, and just send and update to Steam nightly. That way we would be relatively close to their current version.

EDIT**** jumped the gun, minor update of some sort, 186 items are not in

I am also waiting for 186 dev-kit update, Funny they would give info on it in the patch notes, giving the appearance that its done and ready for us, but not release it to us…

ARK Dev Kit Changes:

  • Mods can now add engrams and items without having to override the Master Item List or the Engram List – they can simply Add Engrams using the “Additional Engrams” array, can also remap existing Engrams to new classes using the “Remap Engrams” array, and items don’t have to be in the Master Item List to be used anymore – if they’re referenced, they just will naturally get used (and consequently, existing saved items in people’s save files will not get messed up anymore!)
  • Mods that change the player class now still get armor attached properly

I really really want the new arrays : )

i wasted hours last night (not really i learned a whole heap of stuff) making my mod only to realise the dev kit is outdated and my mod is useless for my current server :slight_smile:

186.3 Devkit just released <3

Nice! Thanks for the “heads up”.