Can UNREAL use this skeleton as a VR rig?

I’m currently coming from Unity and VRChat when it comes to skeleton rigs, and I dont have a clue regarding if there’s a standardized skeleton that most engines like unreal or unity use, or do most engines use a proprietary skeleton rig for VR body movements.

Im trying to bring in a model that this is tied too, to UNREAL for use in VR body tracking for the player.
Will this rig work, or do i need to scrap it for UNREAL’s system to use properly?


Ahmad here, Transitioning between engines, especially in the realm of VR, can be a bit tricky. I’ll try to break it down for you.

Standardized Skeleton: While there’s no universally “standardized” skeleton, some engines and platforms have their preferred or default skeleton structures. For instance, Unreal has the “Unreal Mannequin” which is often used as a reference.

Unity to Unreal: If you’re coming from Unity and VRChat, the rig might not be directly compatible with Unreal’s default systems. However, Unreal is highly versatile. With the right tools and plugins, you can use custom rigs and skeletons. But remember, the more standard the rig, the easier it will be to use pre-made animations or tools.

VR Body Tracking: For VR body tracking, it’s less about the rig’s structure and more about ensuring that the rig’s bones are mapped correctly to the tracking data. If the skeleton you’re using in Unity and VRChat aligns well with your tracking system, it’s likely you can get it working in Unreal, but some adjustments and tweaking might be needed.

Importing to Unreal: When importing a custom skeleton into Unreal, the engine will ask if you want to use an existing skeleton or create a new one. If your rig closely matches the Unreal Mannequin, you can try using the existing one. If not, create a new skeleton and set up the required mappings.

Recommendation: You don’t necessarily need to scrap your current rig. Instead, consider retargeting. Unreal offers a retargeting system that allows animations from one skeleton to be used on another. You could retarget animations from the Unreal Mannequin to your custom skeleton or vice-versa.

Helpful Tools: There’s a plugin called “Allright Rig” which is a flexible system for rigging characters within Unreal. It could help in adapting your Unity/VRChat rig to work within Unreal.

In conclusion, while there might be initial challenges in making the transition, it’s very likely you can adapt your existing rig to work within Unreal. A bit of tweaking and testing will be required, but with Unreal’s powerful toolset, you should be in good hands.

Best of luck with your VR endeavors in Unreal!

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Ahmad, you are a godsend.

I really had no idea there were so many options for UNREAL now, sheesh:P
Ill take a look at the wealth of info you sent me, and …probably post back here when i have the inevitable issue, heh.

Thanks again for your time and patience.

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