Currently have a bad internet situation, and was wondering if UEFN could be used offline. I
From what I remember, they said that Verse runs on servers currently for security reasons.
Thank you this helped, the main editor seems to work well offline, but once I try to go into Fortnite it will disconnect.
Generally speaking UEFN only works while you are online. When you click the “Launch Session” button to test your game the game data is uploaded to cloud servers and processed into appropriate formats required to run them in the game. The Fortnite session also requires being connected to the internet as a Fortnite server is needed to run the game.
As others have noted you may still be able to do a few things offline. The editor can be opened and changes to your data will be saved locally. Verse files can also be edited in VSCode. However, you won’t be able to test the game in Fortnite without a connection to the internet.
How do you open the editor without internet?
You can’t do that.