Can UE4 simulate large code and physics properly if it lags?

Thirsty are we? Yous are just hungry for knowledge. How about this - if you want to help me create AI and change the world and stop people from dying and get us some fun *quicker, then you can know lots of stuff. If not help me, then, why need to know right? It’d be like you just sit there knowing deep knowledge - and that does nothing.

Not in particular. But this is a been there done that type of thread, usually means the poster grossly overestimates his/her own ability. Giving you the opportunity to put your balls where you mouth is;)
I have done a lot with AI over the years, neural networks and genetic algorithms in particular. But what you are asking, and claim to have the knowledge for, is way above my and many others head.
What makes you so special? Other than saying you are, which we all can.

I think you’re on the wrong forum. Adobe Flash is probably the better tool for this job.

Better hurry though, it’s EOLing in 2020.

That’s why it would be perfect. I’m confident Adobe will open-source it in 2020. Then the OP can create a fork and hire a Dev to implement GPU algorithms for their advanced AI project!

The Adobe Flash gives me no results for high quality 3D simulator software bro. No realistic render, physics, object things. Just a bunch a Flixel/Stage3D etc kiddie-software.

He shoots.

He scores.

But seriously, if you need to Google what Flash is/not capable of, you’re not ready for neural networks. You will be unable to accomplish what you’re hoping to do. As it was mentioned in this thread already, you’ll need [to write] custom software. The renderer and physics simulation, soft body or otherwise, should be the very least of your concerns as they are simplistic in comparison.

Once you have a working infant AI, claim your Nobel money, and there will be plenty of folks begging to work with/for you. You’ll get kidnapped by secret service before that happens, though.

Good luck.

"you’ll need [to write] custom software. The renderer and physics simulation, soft body or otherwise, should be the very least of your concerns as they are simplistic in comparison. "

Write WHAT? Cameras/constraints/objects? A compiler? Blender for example HAS python and cameras/mesh/constraints. There is plenty of 3D software and 0 need for me-non-coder-lib-self to go and code a suite. Explain explain explain. There is render, physics, objects, code, and real-time interactivity (although slow-render-time and speed-up-sim is very useful, for example rendering big code taking 2 days if no GPU)

If you’re actually serious, then you’d be better off building something from scratch around your AI system and optimizing some kind of custom 3D visualization. Game engines like UE4 and Unity aren’t really good for what you want to do and would complicate things.

I’m a little ■■■■■■ at the comments here. He was asking for one and one thing only. He wanted to know how to run code on the gpu. He made a point that the engine has everything he needs to visualise his project. You guys are so stuck on his concept that you just toyed with him. Wasted another search query looking for how to run code on the GPU using ue4. Not to mention someone should have also pointed out that he could thread it so it’s not blocking the game thread.

Well I mean a neural network isn’t that hard to create. This is a machine learning method that people already use all the time. But I doubt you will be able to take it to some extreme level. We simply don’t have powerful enough hardware for that kind of thing. Not unless you have one hell of a server swarm using the latest cutting edge ■■■■ lol.

Seriously though on a smaller scale this is 100% possible. But you better make sure you optimize the hell out this thing and cap it off at some point so the neural network doesn’t get to such a complex level that it is no longer able to be driven by the target hardware.

I remember a neural learning algorithm than ran in flash on a web browser year ago. While the OP has a larger scope than some simple AI, none-the-less, UE4 is great for visualizing and iterating ideas

I’m tired of people like you talking down on people, adding nothing to the conversation. Now I would like you to eat your words:…-watch-in-2018
(This goes for everyone else here, who had nothing good to say, and never bothered to answer/ or add to the conversation in a meaningful way)

Pretty sure every one of those examples has the AI running outside of Unreal Engine, UE4 is just feeding information to and from the AI simulation.


I’m not sure how code running externally or internally makes a difference…