Can UE4 run on a 2013 Macbook Pro?

My MBP with with a GeForce 750 runs the first person map pretty well. I’ve noticed the editor maxes out the CPU and battery; otherwise, the framerate is good, even on higher settings.

What OS and UE4 Settings are you using?

I’m running it on Late-2012 Retina MacBook Pro… So I guess, why not?
Although I strongly suggest dual-booting Windows with Bootcamp, as OpenGL implementation on OS X is incomplete and the drivers are horrible at best.

OS X 10.9.2. As for the settings, it really depends on how detailed the scene is. Generally speaking, I think I see the greatest performance benefit from turning off realtime in the view preferences and the content browser. Those two settings appear to prevent the CPU from burning too much. If I do that, I can leave materials and engine settings high.

I wrote a little blog post that includes more detail here: piinecone — Unreal Engine 4 Performance on OSX

Can you achieve 30 FPS on Medium Settings on most of the sample projects? I see mixed opinions on the web, and I’m wondering what’s ok and what’s not for different users :smiley: honestly, I’m fine with 25+ FPS, but maybe others think 15 is ok too :o

Thanks for the tips! I will try these tonight.

With a MBP 2012 (GT 650M), and on the map “Realistic Rendering” which is rather pretty, I get 35 FPS on average when I move my camera around, and 45 FPS when I go to “Medium” settings and low quality materials

Could anyone test TappyChicken demo performance on recent macbook pro retina configurations with those videocards:

  • Intel Iris Graphics (13’ models)
  • Intel Iris Pro Graphics (15’ models)
  • NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M (15’ models)
    I would like to know editor fps with default settings, standalone game and mobile preview fps also (to show fps in standalone demos use ‘stat FPS’ command in console by ’ - Tilde key)

Currently I have 2013 macbook with Intel Graphics 4000 and I have
about 16 fps in editor, same in standalone game and about 40 fps in ‘mobile preview’
(of course with some additional setup I could get about 20-30 fps in editor).

This performance is enough for learning engine, but this will be nightmare for serious work therefore I would like to explore possible options
for upgrading mac laptop
(of course I able to get additional PC laptop in $1500 range with enough performance, but I think that using of two laptops simultaneously is not best choose for me)
(also currently I think that desktop or workstation PC or Mac Pro, iMac also is not suitable option for me now).

I am getting really bad performance issues with a new Mid 2014 13-inch Macbook Pro Retina. I find UE4 unusable. If I start up UE4 and leave the Editor Window maximized with default empty blueprint scene my CPU jumps up between 120 - 170% in Activity Monitor and battery goes dead in just over 2hrs!

Any luck with performance improvements? It’s a year later and I’m getting the worst experience at 170% CPU utilization with UE4 opening an empty scene on a new Mid 2014 Macbook Pro Retina.

Could really use your help:

There’s going to be some performance issues there not matter what, those graphics processors just aren’t made for that purpose. You can try running the screen at 1920x1080 instead of 2560x1600
Also try lowering the Scalability setting in UE4.

A bit late to this party/thread (came here thru google).
I’ve been running Unreal Engine 4.8 the entire day (warm day) and my fan seems absolutely wasted. (I would even go as far as saying: damaged)
Hadn’t noticed it during the day cause I had music on , but now , in the evening , when all is quiet , my macbook pro seems to have picked up a new (ticking/rotating) sound in the fan. Not sure if it’s temporary.
Just did a reboot and it’s still there.
And, rest assured, my macbook was almost soundless before I started playing around in UE.

Also , when I boot unreal engine , the process eats about 600% of my cpu … especially during lightmass calculations.

So - not sure if I’ll be running UE again on my macbook… seems to put the hardware in too much strain …