Can UE Debug Message System be Client Specific in a PIE Multiplayer Session Setup?

Hi! I am new to networking and have been trying to wrap my head around Role_Authority in Unreal. An easy test I ran to determine which Engine Instance had Authority was to Print, using GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage, Connection Actor’s name AND/Or the Role_Authority , however while doing so, I realized that GEngine is unique in PIE which makes Debugging extremely confusing as all Print Strings gets copied over every Instance Window.

So I am just wondering, Is there a way to isolate Debugging message to be Client Specific?


I’m not programming for multiplayer currently so this is just a guess, but does it happen when you use the UE_LOG macro? It uses fmsg::logf.

#include "Logging/LogVerbosity.h"
#include "Logging/LogMacros.h"

UE_LOG(LogBlueprint, Verbose, TEXT("Something happened: %s"), StringParameter1 .....);

I know PIE have a Console for Terminal command but I don’t think that they have per-window Console Output Management. This would be something to test!