Can UE C++ use functions extended for Python scripts?

I am writing a level sequence editor plugin using C++.And I found there are some useful functions in


I can use these functions in python,such as FindTracksByType.

But When I use it in C++ code like this:
UMovieSceneSequenceExtensions::FindTracksByType(LevelSequence, UMovieSceneSubTrack::StaticClass());

I can pass the compile, But once I run it, It will report “Unresolved symbol”.

Can UE C++ use functions extended for Python scripts?

Is it possiable?

I never used python with UE before but I would think that the interop between python and c++ is not that granular nor two way.

In c++ you have the call to the python program, that program runs and has callbacks to c++ functions and then has an output which c++ can read.

So probably the easiest thing would be to write your function in c++ and have python call that, that way it is useable in both.

Thanks for the reply, I found that I could fix this problem by prefixing the classes with dllexport. I used to write C++ under linux, so I forgot that I should add it on Windows. Anyway, thanks for your reply :wink:

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