Can two actors use the same Behavior Tree?

I am trying to make a Behavior Tree (BT) that is for general use by the NPCs. However, they have their own “location points” defined in their Character BluePrints (CBP) as vector variables. Is there a way to have them both use the BT but use their own “location points” in the tasks?

i.e. when NPC1 is using the BT, it uses the variable in its own CBP called “LocPoint” and when NPC2 is using the BT it uses the variable in its own CBP…also called “LocPoint”. Something like that…so two NPCs can use the BT but have their own parameters when they use it.

I figured out how to do what I wanted. I had the Parent Character referencing a variable in a Task Node within the Behavior Tree. It used that variable in the Behavior Tree (passed to the BlackBoard and used from there). Then, when I created a Child from that Parent, I would change the value of that variable in the Child. BUT… the Child would still use the original value in that variable that the Parent had.

The solution was to move the reference to that variable into the AIControler of the Parent (and not make the reference in the Task Node; it was no longer needed). Once the reference was in the AIControler, I could create the Child from the Parent, then change the Childs variable value (to new values), and the Child would THEN use the new values in that variable (different than the Parent). Any new Child Characters would now use their own variable value (once I changed their values in the newly created Child. So any newly created Children of the Parent can use the same AIController and Behavior Tree but use different values while using that Behavior Tree. This allows for some uniqueness for the Children, while using the SAME decision flow in the SAME Behavior Tree in the same AIController.