I’m trying to accomplish a few things for my mod, but I’m rather new to UE event scripting. I’m wondering if these mechanics are possible, and if anyone has an example or guidance on how to do them I would greatly appreciate it.
Create a buff on player spawn, permanent, persistent, invisible. (I’m having trouble finding the “on spawn” event)
Create a buff that, every x seconds, gives x experience points. Buff cannot expire, must be permanent, persistent.
Change the taming requirements (items) for dinos.
Create a new player stat (like health, stamina) and make it visible in the UI.
I’ve watched about a dozen hours of youtube tutorials but ARK-specific content is hard to find!
You would probably be able to do this by using a singleton actor.
“Shooter Character Spawned” is a function that can be found in the map’s “DayCycle” blueprint, so, your singleton may have to get a reference to the map’s DayCycle, and then cast to it to override that function.
Dreyn is right, you can add your own actor (usually based on PrimalStructure) to the Singleton array in Primal Game Data, and you can bind to the Shooter Character Spawned event and apply a persistent buff to the actor. You don’t need the DayCycle blueprint, just the ShooterGameMode. You can look at the Buff_SwampFever for an example of persistence.
You would have to create a graph to do that. Default allows XP Amount over Seconds, not this amount every x. You would likely use a timer to do this.
You can do this, but you would likely need your own child/copy of the Dino.
You can alter the core stats, but doing so would put you in Total Conversion territory, and that would result in a VAST number of changes.
Not really a lot of guides to do specific things, more to give you an idea of how things connect to what.