Can the trace_hit struct in the Scene Graph Be Used?

In the UnrealEngine.digest.verse file there is a trace_hit struct which contains handy code about raycasting and such which I want to use, but I don’t know how since apart from the trace_hit struct and the trace_hit_container struct there are no references to it in the entire file. The code in the file is:

        trace_hit<native><public> := struct<epic_internal>:
            # The component that we was hit by the traced component
            HitComponent<native><public>:?component = external {}

            # The point at which the TracedComponent touched the HitComponent
            HitPosition<native><public>:vector3 = external {}

            # The normal at which the TracedComponent touched the HitComponent
            HitNormal<native><public>:vector3 = external {}

            # The face normal at the ContactLocation. For a face contact this is the same as ContactNormal, but for edge and vertex contacts this will be the most opposing face sharing that edge or vertex
            HitFaceNormal<native><public>:vector3 = external {}

            # The position of the traced object when it hit the HitComponent
            TraceHitPosition<native><public>:vector3 = external {}

            # The distance traveled by the traced object when it hit the HitComponent
            TraceHitDistance<native><public>:float = external {}

            # The collision_channel_response based on the trace and HitComponent collision_channel and collision_responses
            HitResponse<native><public>:collision_channel_response = external {}

        trace_hit_container<native><public> := struct<epic_internal>:

I think it will come with the physics update, anyways, since SceneGraph is experimental right now, be aware that you can’t publish islands that use those methods