Can the "Shooter Game" project or "First Person Shooter Example" be used as a base (3d models, song, codes...) for my game?

Can the “Shooter Game” project or “First Person Shooter Example” be used as a base (3d models, song, codes…) for my game?

Yes it can

without recstrictions? thx

Under the EULA it’s treated the same as the engine. No special restrictions

thanks so much! when I will put the game on stam I need to specify that I did it with unreal engine or that I under EULA? (sorry for bad english) thanks!!! :smiley:

This is from Section 11 of the EULA:

You agree to place the following notices in the credits for any Product (replacing xxxx with the current year):

“[Product name] uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere”

“Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 - xxxx, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.”
