Can the camera remain at last frame of matinee?

Hi all,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask but i have been poking around google for the last hour trying to find the answer to this question.

Is there a way that i can prevent the camera from being changed after a matinee.

I currently have a trigger box that activates a matinee in which a different camera flys around the map and then some text appears.

I want it so that after the matinee is finished the view stays on the text with the matinee camera.

Is this possible?

I can post pictures or even a video if need be of what i have.

Thanks in advance.


As far as i’m aware i dont think the matinee camera will persist.
However, you could always position a camera in the correct location and switch to it when the matinee ended?

Or you could try this:

  • Set an Event key at the last frame of Matinee
  • In Level BP use that event’s execution pin to get the transform of the camera
  • Set the camera’s Transform(Location and Rotation)

Thanks guys. I ended up using a combination of the two. This is the level blueprint for it.

Once i realised i could get a MatineeActor that only triggered when finished i just used the “Set View Target with Blend” function to set the camera to another camera in the same position as the end frame. Not the cleanest way but it works. Hoping to put some kind of Hud here in the future.

Thanks again :slight_smile: