Can TextureShare be used with a Blueprint Project and/or Plugins?

In our plugin, we’re referencing the TextureShare plugin and using its capabilities. This has worked great in C++ projects, however in Blueprint projects (4.26 or 4.27), packaging completes without errors but launching the build produces an immediate crash and an Error Message:

The logs offer these lines:

LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘TextureShare’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘TextureShareD3D11’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘TextureShareD3D12’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
LogModuleManager: Warning: ModuleManager: Module ‘TextureShareCore’ not found - its StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.

Is the TextureShare plugin supposed to be usable in packaged Blueprint projects? If so, how can I get past this blocker? If not, is there any workaround to allow our Plugin to reference TextureShare for use on any UE dev’s project?

I’ll say that this is especially frustrating due to the fact that D3D12RHI is inaccessible to plugins; TextureShare is the only way to translate D3D12 resources from the native layer to RHI that I’m aware of and not being able to use DX12 resources in a plugin is a huge blocker on keeping functionality consistent across graphics libraries! Isn’t that something that UE devs would want possible?