Can’t uninstall or install Datasmith plugin 3DS Max

I used Datasmith MaxExporter 4.26.1.msi with 3DSmax 2020. Now i want to use it with 2022 but i cant install UnrealDatasmithMaxExporter_4_27_2 cause the installer says i need the old installer. Problem there is no download in the achive, there is only the UnrealDatasmithMaxExporter_4_26_2 version but i need 4_26_1. At the moment i cant deinstall nor install anything. Please Help otherwise i have to reinstall the hole PC ;(

Hello,I have this problem too, have you found the solution?

which version do you need to uninstall? @Fuarks

If you still have the issue, try clean desinstalling Datasmith and all that is related to it with this utility program:

and do a fresh install afterwards.


I have a similar problem too. Hello, I installed the updated twinmotion 2024.1 and 3ds Max 2025 on my computer. However, I’m having trouble trying to install UnrealDatasmithMaxExporter_5_4_1. I can’t install it because an older version is installed, or there is another reason. The problem is that I cannot uninstall the installed UnrealDatasmithMaxExporter_5_0_1 version using add or remove programs. In this case, I tried almost everything written in the forum, but I could not solve my problem. I need help.

Run this MSI to uninstall the 5_0_1. Then you can install the 5.4.1

Thank you very much for your quick answer. Everything is fine. Loaded without problems.