Can’t understand the technical review. Please help

Hi all! I’ve sent my first model to marketplace. It is a character with custom animations. (Only mesh and animations is what I planned to sell) I’ve got a review and the only problem that is failed to be done you can see on the screenshot. I am a 3D artist. Didn’t work with unreal before. And I can not understand what I need to fix. Could somebody help me to understand?
I have a blueprint of a character with all the armour on it.
The animations are applied to each character copy in the Detail tab right in the level. I can not understand what collisions are missing. When I hit play button my characters are not falling through the plane. The physics part seems to work fine. Perhaps I’m missing some technical part. Could someone help me to understand what might be wrong?

As I don’t quite understand what is the issue about, I’ll add a few screenshots of what I have in the level:
the character blueprint that combines all the wearable items

And the character in the scene:

The skeleton has these collisions on it:

Once again, I’m trying to sell the model with animations. I’ve added the blueprint to show how it looks and to test it myself. But I couldn’t find any tutorial on how to prepare character models for the UE marketplace. (had experience only with Unity store before). And the free examples I found on marketplace are usually one mesh, without external parts (like the tack in my case) so I’m not sure what I should look at

Hi @Inegvin,

Your marketplace reviewer may be mistakenly overlooking physics collision.

You also may need to explain to them that the horses are always meant to be driven by animations. (If they press ‘simulate’ and your horse falls into weird poses)

Ask them for clarification, explain your point of view.

Hope that helps, let us know if you’re still having trouble getting approved!