Can´t get ExportToDisk to work

Hi everybody! Ive spent som many hours on this but are now out of ideas. Would be superhappy If anybody could help me with this :slight_smile:

So I use WidgetBlueprint and select objects in world and export those used textures. Its working but it does not export the format i want. I get .exr. This is a working code with .exr solution.

However I want to export in png or maby jpg. So ExportToDisk should do just that! But i get error in log. That code looks like this.

this is the error when using ExportToDisk

Any Ideas? anyone? :slight_smile:


The problem, as the logs say, is the texture format is unsupported. The solution is:

For every texture you will want to export, go to the texture asset (from the content browser), go to “Compression”>“Compression Settings” and set it to UserInterface2D. This will set the texture format to RGBA, which is compatible with the PNG or JPG exports. (You could also try some other settings if you want). This will unfortunately make the texture bigger in size, resulting in a heavier packaged size.

Hope this helps

Ah… ok thanks for clarifying! Then I go for the convert outside UE4. Thanks for answear!

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