Can´t edit blueprint component

I made a BP for my AI enemy and then i made a child for that BP enemy and everything worked fine. But suddenly today i can’t edit some components in the blueprint , it only shows Edit in C++. Before in the viewport, it showed the skeletal mesh of the AI enemy but now it doesn’t show since its only editable in C++. Does anyone know what is happening? thanks in advance.
This is the child class details:

and this the parent one:

Hey @jjSka!

Don’t worry, the “Edit in C++” is always there, that’s normal. :slight_smile:

One thing you can do is go to “Class Settings” and change the parent to “Actor” and back to the normal parent. :slight_smile:

Strange, but it has to do with serialization. You will likely have to do this to change anything that is an inherited Component.

Hope that helps!

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thank you, that worked!

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