Can´t create/launch project from Launcher or UProject. [MAC]

Good Evening,

I was working with my cpp project (I am working on a Multiplayer game), creating a new GameMode (cpp not blueprint), and exposing some functions to the blueprint. I closed my project to launch a client window with this command.


cd ../Shared/UnrealEngine/4.10/Engine/Binaries/Mac/

open --args "/Developer/BloodAncestors/BloodAncestors.uproject" -game

After close the project (without errors) I starting to have errors.

  1. I can’t create a new project from
  2. I can’t open an existing
    project from Launcher.
  3. I can’t open
    an existing project from UProject.
  4. I can’t launch my game with this

When I press over one project inside the launcher the launches goes to the background but nothing happens.

UE 4.10.2
OS X El capitan, 10.11.1

I have updated my UE version from 4.10.2 to 4.10.4 and now i am getting this error when trying to open the project.