I have a physics handle set up, which can grab an object and release it, when i press “G”. However, after i release the grabbed object, i can still rotate it, no matter where the object is.
This should be working I can’t figure it out.Try using another “Branch” for condition “HoldingObject” Variable between the “set target location” node and the “Branch(Holding RMB)” node in your event tick.Also check that Ur Variable “Holding RMB” is correcty Set since I don’t see you changing if it is active or not.
Hey there! Thanks for your answer, i didn’t set the RMB down correctly, so i had to disable the input after it was released. But now, i got another problem. Is there a way to stop the rotation of the object when im grabbing it? E.g. the object is rotating as im grabbing it, and it doesnt stop rotating. Is there a way to stop the rotation, when i grab the object? Even when i rotate it, the rotation does not stop. How can i do this?
Can I suggest a slightly different way of doing it,Please have a look at my BP and change yours to work in the same way,This should be exactly what you want to do.To change the rotation speed adjust your X and Y from -5000 to -7000 or so.Please let me know if this works for you.
Hey, so i tried both BPs, (yours and mine) and i noticed that mine was rotating much smoother with the axis values from the player input (turn and lookup). But i actually meant something different. I meant that, when grabbing a object that is rotating, the rotation doesnt stop. I made a short video for you: - YouTubelink text
I want the object to stop rotating after i grab it.
Okay if I understand correctly is the item never stops rotating by itself when you pick it up.In your Blueprint under ‘set location and rotation of targeted object by linetracebyhitchannel’ change the “add local rotation” node to “set relative rotation”
This means instead of just adding to the actors current rotation it will actually change the rotation,but only while holding RMB so when you are not holding RMB it wont change the rotation,meaning your item will not rotate unless you are rotating it
Thank you! So, i changed that node to “set relative rotation”, got the mouse position scaled by DPI and connected it to the rotator on the “set relative rotation”. Everything works fine. But! There’s one little thing that i want to fix. When i rotate the object and release the RMB, the object continues with the rotation that i picked up.
So it’s like this:
Object is rotating - and i grab it, it continues rotating.
When i rotate it with my RMB, it takes my rotation.
When i release the RMB, it continues with the rotation, with that i picked it up.
I want the object to completely stop rotating when i pick it up, and only to take my rotation that i input. I tried various things, but all ended up not working. I could send you more screenshots of my Character BP if you want.
Here are all my BPs. See if you can make something out of it. I would be very thankful. (Btw. the cubes or objects have no BPs. They just have the “set simulation” tick, set on.)
Hey mate, i added that node, but unfortunately… it didn’t change anything? Did you change something other in the character BP? Is there a way to get and set the rotation speed of an object? When i grab the object, i want to set the rotation speed to 0.
Sorry yeah your right mouse button input was also not working correctly the way you had it,remove the branch it should work fine like this.If it still doesn’t work I will send you the project,its working on my now don’t think I made any other changes
Hey, what do you mean that it should be static? Should the object be set to “static” instead of movable? But then i can’t set it to “simulating physics”, it gets turned off. Just send me your character BP, and i’ll look if it works on me. Btw. one question. A few comments back in this post, you said that the mouse rotation should be “Get mouse position scaled by DPI”. What does that do?
No what I mean is the rotation is static while you are holding RMB.Please send me an email to cornelius.marius@gmail.com and I will send you my project files and explain everything for you