My ue4 4.27 engine won’t open I feel as if it has something to do with compiling the cartoon smoke material that I was editing before I closed the engine. However I don’t know the name for that material and I can’t seem to find it. Could anybody help me find the pre made material for the cartoon smoke particle system.
I am afraid you need to give us far more info than that. You can try deleting/moving the file manually in Windows Explorer, but this may break references.
You want us to help you find the name for this smoke, but what marketplace pack is it from? If you were editing it, then you must know the file name.
When you add a particle effect and you click on cartoon smoke. It’s the default material for that effect so everyone has the same one. I just went into it and changed some stuff so I feel as if that’s what’s causing my ue4 not to open. Also the error says compiling worldgridmaterial error. So I think it has something to do with my materialsz