Can someone help to combine of this 🠓

I know this is easy to do. But I am still stupid when combining different events or node or others.

  • I have 3 things that need to combine into 1.

  • when blocking the hp player is not low but when the player is a different angle the hp is low.

  • when the player is not blocked the hp is low.

  • when hp is zero where to put the death screen?

I hope anyone can help with this

Edit: I forgot to post the different angle. In case someone wants to point out if I did wrong.

Hey, maybe not the one solution, but some ideas:

Start: EventAnyDamage gets fired. Set the Damage as a variable and set a Scope variable (reset it every start of EventAnyDamage). After that execute CheckAngle Event:

CheckAngle: Check where the hit comes from and set the Scope for this attack. 2 = Hit is NOT from behind, 4 = Hit is from behind. Bigger value = bad for the player. Then execute CheckStance:

CheckStance: Check the stance of the player. Is the player blocking add 0, ist the player NOT blocking, add 3. So the overall scope for the attack can become 2,4,5,7 which translates to:
|2|Hit from Front|Block|
|4|Hit From Back|Block|
|5|Hit from Front|No Block|
|7|Hit from Back|No Block|
After that execute DamageMultiplier.

DamageMultiplier: Depending on the scope of the attack (bigger value = bad) get a float value from a curve and multiply the incoming damage with it (no block, more damage). The curve has the points:
x y
2 0
4 0,65
5 1
7 1,6

After that we apply the damage.

ApplyDamage: Simply apply the damage and after that check the overall outcome of the incoming damage

Outcome: First, check if there us health left. If there is no health left, you can play the DeadScreen (if you want to). If there is health left, you can check the scop of the attack: 4 and 7 will be animations where the attack comes from behind. 5 will be the animation with the attack from the front. And then continue with your event. (36.3 KB) (43.8 KB)

Thank you for the zip and I think I got an idea with your help

I forgot to post it when I found the solution and thanks to the previous comment.

  1. In Event AnyDamage I connect to the block node first.

  2. I create Custom Event at the health nodes.

  3. At the end of Montage Play I connect the custom event I create.