I know this error is beacause of tick event blueprint, but idk how to fix it
Could you explain what you’re trying to do.
Hi, i try to make a stone and when you go in the sphere collision and press e to collect it and i need to destroy it, is working but when i close the play i get a lot of errors
I think the tick event after actor is destroy it fire continuous
This is not set up correctly for what you’re trying to do. There should be no script in the stone actor at all for this.
- in the player:
The player presses a key, if there’s a stone (and/or some condition), we destroy it. If you want to extract some data from the stone before it’s destroyed (because it’s a part of a puzzle perhaps?), do so here. No need to cast, no need to tick.
If you have more stuff than just stones to interact with, I’d suggest you looked into Interface communication. Or inheritance.
Is working fine, i get the stones, the animation play, the stone is destroy, but I get these errors.
And I think it’s because of the event tick, because after destroying the stone it triggers continuously
If I disable it, no more errors appear, but the stone does not disappear
It’s a matter of what you want to do. If you just want to do your homework, get a C- and learn some questionable practices:
And then repeat that in the next project, and struggle to make stuff work, this is the way. What you’re asking here: “How to hide the errors my script is producing?”
Or do you want to learn how to make games?
I want to learn how to make games, can I send a video here? So you can undestand what I want to make?
undestand what I want to make
It’s this, surely. The script I suggested does exactly that and sets up an avenue for making it better when things need expanding. But sure, send a video!
Well, I see the errors in your very first post. I know exactly where they come from. You now have 2 solutions above.
Thanks, and… you know how can i make the caracter when he collect stones to look in the direction of the stone?
Have a look at the Find Look at Rotation
Thank you <3
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