Can someone help me set up github/clone etc?

I am a huge newbie and my subscription is expiring in 5 days, I really want to give learning C++ a try and have the source code if I need it in the future. I wanted to set up github since it seems easiest way to work with the source code.

I have visualstudio, github etc all installed. However I think I missed a step in the authenticating github, didn’t understand a word of it. Also my client looks different to the video uploaded by epic games on how to install it so I got stuck, I cannot for the life of me find the clone function and I have no idea what to do with my extracted files as 90% of them are identical to the ones I have under programfiles -> Unreal Engine -> 4.4

I have skype, if someone can help me set it up I would be so grateful.

huh? how does that help?

Bump, can someone please help me?

You dont need the github client to download the source. You can just download the source as a zip. I guess you have done some stepps, but I wrote down everything from scratch.

Sign Up at Github.

Go to
Under Accounts “UPDATE GITHUB ACCOUNT:” type in your Github user name, if you haven’t done already.
Login at github.

Go to (you have to be logged in)

Use branch 4.4 (or the branch you want to work with)

On the right side you see “Download Zip”, hit it and a download will start.

Scroll a bit down and also download “ and”

Now extract the first Zip and extract the other two into the created folder.

Now you can run “GenerateProjectFiles.bat”, open the UE4.sln and compile the Editor.

Some more links:

Big Edit:
Haven’t seen that you have already the source code. Sorry for that…