So I’m confused by why my “Door Open” timeline works the way it does and I could REALLY use an explanation for what I’m seeing.
To preface, I followed along the “Infinite Runner” video tutorials online. To expand upon that video series, I wanted to create another tile type in which my runner has to run over a switch to open a door.
Here’s what my “Open Door” blueprint looks like visually (gotta touch the yellow switch to open the red door)…
So in my timeline, I have a Vector track set up. In the Z, I set up 2 key frames:
- Key 1: Time = 0, Value = 0
- Key 2: Time = 0.5, Value = 10
In the event graph, I have the following set-up going on…Note that off the image to the left is my overlap event which sets this door open timeline in to motion…
RESULT: My door opens…but it moves up in the Z axis WAY more than the 10 unreal units I was expecting (as set by key #2 in my timeline!)
EXPECTED RESULT: With this particular timeline set-up, I was expecting my door to ONLY move up 10 unreal units in the Z axis (as this was JUST a test.) Instead, my door slides up in the Z at LEAST a few hundred units.
WHY? I don’t understand why the door is moving several hundred units in the Z axis instead of just 10