Can someone explain the limitations of the library path organization??


I have two fast PCs and an M1 MacPro and I would like would like to have easy access to my Twinmotion projects on any machine. Given that the MacPro is useless for Path Tracing and VR, I am more concerned about working from the two PCs. I use Teams and One Drive and they reside on my D Drive on both PCs. My goal would be to open TM on both mchines, load the project and split the rendering of media across the two machines when necessary.

I had the notion that could set up a Twinmotion folder on a One Drive folder through a Teams Channel and point all of the Twinmotion file path preferences on both machines to that same TwinMotion Libraries folder I have created. It was a bit of a pain because sometimes the path cant be selected if it contains any other folders, but I figured out a work around.

Problem is that when I relaunch TM, it seems to be looking at the wrong folder locations again and wants to create the TwinMotion libraries folder in my Documents folder instead of my selected path in the One Drive Directory.

Several reasons existing to try and make this work, such as having access to my User library on both machines so I can build a single library regardless of which computer I am working on. I also commonly get missing texture warnings when jumping from one machine to the other. I believe ArchiCAD DirectLink Textures are being created automatically in my Documents folder rather than my selected destination.

Perhaps this approach is flawed because of the two computer names. Is there another way to connect the data flowing from an ArchiCAD project regardless of which computer I choose to work from?

I guess it would be a good feature addition to TM to allow for multi node rendering and/or Teamworking within TM projects.

Thank you in advance!

Hey Daniel and thank you for your feedback. I completely agree with what you are describing but unfortunately, right now, using Twinmotion locally is the only way to good results and using the resource collector when moving files from one computer to another one is best. Having said that "save to cloud" is under consideration on the public roadmap.

This means saving your full project on the cloud and another user anywhere would be able to open it without any of the issues you are describing. If you think this could be a good thing please go Here and add your feedback and how important this feature is for you and the development team will take a look at it :)

Thank you