Can someone explain the following about plugins please?

Suppose we have plugins installed in the engine and we complete the game and the packaging works very well on PC. How come packaging the same game for consoles may cause problems or may fail to build with those same plugins assuming issues with those platforms and said plugins?

Why would plugins decide if your game gets support for those platforms or not when it is working inside the engine already. I am surprised that some core functionality that come in these plugins could dictate how the game itself is packaged to run and where.

I was under the impression that if it runs inside the engine, then the engine will compile everything in the end to make it work independent of the plugins and tools used to make the game itself. I guess sort of like making a movie with animation tools and plugins but in the end it is compiled to a video format that can be viewed on any platform (I know games are more complex than this but you get the idea).

It depends on how technical the plugin is, for example a rendering plugin could take advantage of specific things in a graphics API that aren’t available on one platform or need to be adjusted to how it’s done on that platform.
So in a lot of cases the plugin developer needs to add specific support for each platform they want to support.