I was browsing Youtube and saw some pretty nice architectural visualization videos done with Unreal and I was wondering if the engine can be used to render CG movies. I’m aiming to Resident Evil animated movies quality. Do I need any special shaders for that? How about the camera? Is matinee enough for that type of task? How do I render the actual movie after all is done so I can export it to external compositing programs? I hope some experienced member can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance.
Hey. You use the matinee (now it just says Cinematics though inside unreal and the Matinee is legacy) for it and for the camera, you use fundamental camera knowledge and apply that to the cameras within unreal. You can render out ever scene as frames (which in my opinion is better than rendering out a full movie sequence) and then composite those images within after effects/Nuke. So your best bet is to start learning to control the cameras, lights and the cinematics/matinee within unreal and take from there. As you start learning these things, usually a lot of your other questions will get answered as you get deeper into it.
I recommend that you check out this set of tutorials from Unreal Engine that explain just about everything you need to know about this topic.