Can some one please explain this?

targetLoc = springArmComp->GetTargetRotation().RotateVector(FVector(t1x-touchMoveStartPos.X, t1y - touchMoveStartPos.Y, 0)) * moveSpeed;

This line ^, no problems.

targetLoc = springArmComp->GetTargetRotation().RotateVector(FVector(GetActorLocation().X - (t1x-touchMoveStartPos.X), GetActorLocation().Y - (t1y - touchMoveStartPos.Y), 0)) * moveSpeed;

Change to this ^ “On mobile the SkyAtmosphere component needs a mesh with a material tagged as IsSky and using the SKyAtmosphere nodes to visualize the Atmosphere”

The game just straight up crashes. It’ll compile, package, install, etc. But I do almost anything, even functions that don’t use that line of code at all, and now I’m spontaneously getting this error.

I even did slap a static mesh with IsSky = true and SkyAtmosphere nodes on it, still crashing with the same error.

I know people don’t like “why” questions here but I really need to know/understand why adding GetActorLocation() caused this issue/collapse, please?

Also an explanation of how to solve it would be helpful too if possible. Yes, I’ve seen the old posts. No, they don’t work and haven’t been helpful.

Try migrating this to a fresh project and see what happens.



Did You Write This In Line Code Or In Blueprints?

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