targetLoc = springArmComp->GetTargetRotation().RotateVector(FVector(t1x-touchMoveStartPos.X, t1y - touchMoveStartPos.Y, 0)) * moveSpeed;
This line ^, no problems.
targetLoc = springArmComp->GetTargetRotation().RotateVector(FVector(GetActorLocation().X - (t1x-touchMoveStartPos.X), GetActorLocation().Y - (t1y - touchMoveStartPos.Y), 0)) * moveSpeed;
Change to this ^ “On mobile the SkyAtmosphere component needs a mesh with a material tagged as IsSky and using the SKyAtmosphere nodes to visualize the Atmosphere”
The game just straight up crashes. It’ll compile, package, install, etc. But I do almost anything, even functions that don’t use that line of code at all, and now I’m spontaneously getting this error.
I even did slap a static mesh with IsSky = true and SkyAtmosphere nodes on it, still crashing with the same error.
I know people don’t like “why” questions here but I really need to know/understand why adding GetActorLocation() caused this issue/collapse, please?
Also an explanation of how to solve it would be helpful too if possible. Yes, I’ve seen the old posts. No, they don’t work and haven’t been helpful.