So, you can assume the coords for the 2 points are always
0,0 and 1,1
This leaves you with 2 points (4 values) that you need to create the handles.
A linear curve would mean
0,0 and 1,1,
anything else is where the points move out
0,.5 and 1,.5
Would look something like a squiggled s.
Probably, you want to be able to support a variety of implementation, so you need to refractor the thinking in a ± range
-1,-1 to 1,1
Realistically the definition is just about the same you only need to save and know the 2 x/y of each or the 2 tangents.
Given that, you can then apply the math to filter the end result in some meaningful way. Likely using bezier.
What I’m missing in this, is the end use right?
You need some system making use of the x/y value along the curve you define.
So you define the points that make up the curve, but then you need to implement the function that collects the point location for your X along the curve.
Or Y - or both?
I have only really worked with runtime stuff on this, and mostly by getting x/y at gametime - gametime being what powers the repeating sine based curve in my case.
IIt’s completely poissible for you to create the bezier function to solve either x or y in BP.
The speed you get computation wise won’t be great, but if it is an editor tool it also won’t really matter?
Granted it is an atan driven rabbit hole, but i think you can break open the formula off wikipedia and try your hand at solving the math in BP.
Alternatively, I’d look into the existing c++ kismet to see if a function in C++ to solve for the point value you want is already a thing.
Its easier to read than mathematic notations Unless you eat math books for breakfast or something…
From above
The curve is the definition, and time is the X on the graph.
You can probably pull some idea out of that - though linear…