Can post process materials be edited dynamically?

I am trying to edit post process materials dynamically but not able to do so till now…

I am adding the material to the playercamera then converting it to dynamic parameter but it doesn’t seem to be working.
Adding the material to the camera post-process bendable works. But I don’t think creating a UMaterialInstanceDynamic from the post process material seems to work.

	PostProcessDynamicMaterial->Create(Cast<UMaterialInterface>(FollowCamera->PostProcessSettings.Blendables[0]), this);
	if (PostProcessDynamicMaterial)
		PostProcessDynamicMaterial->SetScalarParameterValue("DesaturationParameter", 0.5);


Forgot to use this

PostProcessDynamicMaterial = UMaterialInstanceDynamic::Create(PostProcessMaterial, this);