Does someone know how to disable the collision on a trigger volume when it is a component of a blueprint (in this case my player pawn)? I’ve tried set collision enabled and set a different collision profile, but both these options didn’t work so far.
If i want to disable a triggervolume in the scene it works perfectly, for that i used set actor enable collision.
It seems like only actor triggers can be disabled?
When you say you have a trigger volume as a blueprint component, are you referring to the box collision component? If you add a reference to your collision component to the graph, you can pull off of the pin and add a “Set Collision Enabled” node to control when collision is / is not active for that specific collision component.
Hi , sorry for my late answer, haven’t been in the office over the weekend.
This node is what i’ve tried to use, but the Set Collision Enabled node somehow doesnt work in my case. I get a signal through there, but the collision stays on (i’m sure it’s set to no collision). I used the same type of node to disable collision on a static mesh in the same blueprint, and that works fine! This seems like an odd problem.
When I add a box collision to my player, I’m successfully able to control when that component’s overlaps trigger. Here is the simple setup I added to the third person template character to test
Please post a screenshot of what your current setup looks like for comparison? Also, let me know if this is / is not the behavior you’re trying to achieve.
Hi , thanks for your quick answer! I’ve tried the exact thing you tried in my levelblueprint, and that worked fine. I believe that in the faulty code i do the same thing. For reference, here’s is the image you requested:
The block of ‘generate overlap’ and ‘set collision enabled’ nodes is executed by the motioncontroller event you see in the left top of the image.
Output A executes the nodes you see in the image, B executes a similar block that should have the exact opposite effect (so no query collision enabled).
The idea is that using the motioncontroller event, i switch between collision/overlap and no collision/overlap.
This piece of code doesn’t work at all, it’s like the nodes are ignored. I’m positively sure they are executed, a pulse goes through and prints after these nodes are printed on screen.
Where are you overlap events for your colliders / box? Since you mentioned motion controller I tested in VR as well and was able to use the Set Collision Enabled node to fire my box overlap event when type was set to Collision Enabled (Query and Physics) and skip / ignore the overlap event when it was set to No Collision. Please show where you are using your box collision that it is not being turned off properly.
Also, rather than using the motion controller event, can you replace that with a keyboard button event (such as the T key) and let me know if that has any affect.