Can not package due to unowned pin error

When I updated to 4.13 I saw that some of my collapsed nodes were bugging out. Sometimes I name the execute pins " ", a empty space so that it only shows the arrow(I know that when you type “execute” it doesnt show the text now).
Those pins were disconnected and I had to delete the input/output variables of the collapsed node and readd them to make it work.
My game runs and compiles fine now. However when starting the editor with VS it triggers a breakpoint. It says something about unowned pin but I can ignore it and the editor runs fine.

I chose to ignore it but now when I want to package my project for a test I get the following error and the packaging fails:

LogOutputDevice:Error: Ensure condition failed: ResolvedOwningNode || !EdGraphPinReference.PinId.IsValid() [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.13+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\EdGraph/EdGraphPin.h] [Line: 187]
LogOutputDevice:Error: Trying to reference an unowned pin: EC9C6A0045DB5476A2D1C8A0CB92B2ED

I don’t know what pin or to what blueprint the error is referencing to. I tried going over every blueprint to see if there where any disconnected pins but I didn’t found any. Maybe I still missed one. Does anyone know this error or how I can try to fix it?
I was thinking of expanding back every collapsed node…

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

Deleting all the collapsed nodes isn’t helping. Atleast I think I got them all.
I’ll also include the log file.
I really need this fixed, any help is appreciated!
link text

Hello ,

From looking at the log you provided, this line:

[2016.09.26-10.04.26:209][208]UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UE4Editor-Cmd: [2016.09.26-10.04.26:169][  0]LogInit:Display: LogBlueprint:Warning: [Compiler BP_BattleMapEditor] Warning A node that generated no code of it's own ( K2Node_VariableGet_411 ) tried to inject code into  K2Node_IfThenElse_242 . K2Node_Variabl

leads me to believe that you have Nativize Blueprint Assets enabled in your packaging settings. If so, I would suggest disabling this to see if it may provide a fix for this for now. This is still an experimental feature so it is known to cause some problems.

As for the issue itself, can you try running the project in Debug again and breaking at the ensure? This should allow you to take a look at the local variables, including the MemberName, MemberParent and such. Could you use that information to narrow down what asset these ensure is being called on?

Hey Matthew thanks for the reply!
You are correct about the nativize blueprint assets option. However, I tried with both on or of, so it’s possible the log contains 2 or more attempts at packaging.

It always breaks here, where it says “Trying to reference an unowned pin: %s” in EdGraphPin.h

friend uint32 GetTypeHash(const FEdGraphPinReference& EdGraphPinReference)
    UEdGraphNode* ResolvedOwningNode = EdGraphPinReference.OwningNode.Get();
    ensureMsgf(ResolvedOwningNode || !EdGraphPinReference.PinId.IsValid(), TEXT("Trying to reference an unowned pin: %s"), *EdGraphPinReference.PinId.ToString());
    uint32 NodeHash = ResolvedOwningNode ? FCrc::StrCrc32(*ResolvedOwningNode->GetName()) : 0;
    return FCrc::StrCrc32(*EdGraphPinReference.PinId.ToString(), 0 );

I also watched at the values before but the owning pin is a nullptr.(which is probably the reason it doesn’t work) Only thing I get is the pin’s ID but I’m clueless what I can do with that.

I was hoping that wouldn’t be the case but it makes sense. This is an issue that is pretty hard to debug without being hands on, but there’s something I would like you to try before trying to ask you to send the project. Could you try migrating your content/code to a new project and see if it fixes the issue? Issues like this can sometimes be solved with something as simple as that.

When migrating all content and c++ files I can start the editor in debug mode without it triggering the breakpoint. However as soon as I open a blueprint or a map, doesn’t matter which one, I get the same error as above.

I did some extensive troubleshooting the last two hours and came to the weird conclusion the error is related with a macro function I’ve had since the start of my project. For some reason since switching to 4.13 it acts weird. It not even a complicated macro…

I’ll do some more testing when I’m back home.

It looks like I was able to fix it. I think my simple macro function got corrupted when upgrading to 4.13. I have absolutely no idea why or how to recreate the bug. I just made another macro, exactly the same and it works again.
If any of the developers need some more info if they want to fix it, send me a message. :slight_smile: