Can not generate visual studio project files for lyraStarterGame project after switch engine version to source build

I follow the unreal engine documentation of setting up an dedicated server, it requires a source build version engine, so I have downloaded the engine source from github and built the engine.
Then I downloaded the LyraStarterGame files from epicgame launcher, and installed it to the root directory of the source build engine.
After that, when I right click on the LyraStarterGame.uproject file and choose “switch unreal engine version”, set it to the source build engine, but it will fail when generating the visual project files, says “Expecting at least one ProjectTarget to be associated with project ‘D:\UnrealEngine-5.2.0-release\Engine\LyraStarterGame\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\LyraStarterGame.vcxproj’ in the TargetProjects list”.
So, what is the ProjectTarget means here, and how to correct it?

The documentation I follow is this one:

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