Can not effect vector parameter with color fade

I can’t believe I spent the better part of two hours of trying to accomplish a color fade last night, but I had no success so I thought I’d ask here. As far as I can tell I’m doing everything right as others have written, and I am able to affect the vector parameter with a simple “set” but with any attempt to shift the color over time from red to white breaks it, where it set the color to a flat gray without any animation. If you look below, I tried two different timeline methods of trying to accomplish this. First I made a timeline and added a color track which had no effect (screenshot is a bit incorrect as the second color value should be white, but still … still broken!) and 2) I tried a simple float track that affects a lerp (colorLinear), also no effect. Going crazy! Any help appreciated!

Hrm, Not really sure why it isnt working. I made a quick setup using a modulo to loop the alpha from 0 to 1 over the course of a second. I also set up a timeline just like yours and it worked.

Is your print string showing a proper color change?
Try unhooking the “Show Guide Mesh” node from the chain for now until you resolve the issue?

I figured it out! Ha, man what a rookie mistake… and it was staring me in the face the whole time. If you’ll notice in my 2nd screenshot of my material, I have a multiplier for emissive light, which made all materials regardless of base color white! So I was probably changing the color properly it just had no effect on that material. So annoying. Haha.

Glad you figured it out!