Who is helped me? WHO? Nobody helped me. N-O-B-O-D-Y CAN U UNDERSTAND?

I wonder with what attribute you are answering me?

This is not “my website”? I’m just trying to help.

Yes, I understand.

Now just because I’m curious:

When you try to purchase a product, you:

1- Open the product page.
2- Click “Buy Now”.
3- Checkout popup opens.
4- You select Credit Card as payment method.
5- Click “Place Order”.

Correct? What happens then? do you get any errors? have you contacted your bank/credit card company to make sure they aren’t the ones blocking the payment?

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I m getting this answer:

“Looks like something went wrong. For your protection, this transaction has been declined. Please try another card or other payment methods”

I really suggest contacting your bank/credit card company. You could simply ask them why these payments were declined, which would help you a lot more than expecting a solution for a payment method related issue on the Forums.

I reached them. They said problem caused by this ■■■■ website

Did you come across anyone else with the same issue?

Like Hiraeth suggested, just contact/email your bank, most bank have some kind of whitelist/blacklist of website processing payment. They will add Fab to the whitelist unless the issue is elsewhere from your bank.

Try out with Paypal payment method as well.

You might have missed the part where they said that Paypal was banned in their country. But as for the problem at hand, it lies with whatever payment processor that they’re trying to use, or something’s going haywire on Epic’s end

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If you haven’t incurred any financial loss, it’s hard to call it a ‘scam,’ though you might consider it frustrating. To resolve this, I recommend first checking with your card-issuing bank to find out why your payment was declined. You’ll need to provide them with the date, time, and possibly the amount of the attempted payment.

If you suspect an issue with Fab’s payment gateway, avoid jumping to conclusions and gather evidence to support your claim. At a minimum, confirm the following:

  1. You’ve verified with your bank that your card and account are in good standing, and you have a reason from them for the rejection.
  2. You have evidence indicating that this might be a bug affecting other users as well, though this is unlikely if others have successfully made purchases through Fab.

P.S. It might also help to check if an ad blocker or browser compatibility is interfering with the transaction. If you’re using a debit card as a ‘credit card,’ ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account or that you haven’t reached your credit limit before attempting the purchase.

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I come from sketchfab where all was working great. Here i see a lot of big problems. I have sold some 3D assets these days and i have not recieved any report or money report. I know i have sold them just because clients wrote me about it, but according to Fab i have not sold nothing and i am in 0€…

Check old UE Publishing portal to see the sales. Somehow Sales report on Fab just do not work.