can nanite skeletal mesh in unreal 5.5 replace LOD?

Was thinking of trying to make LOD for my many zombies but maybe I can save money and time with nanite skeletal mesh? Is that a possible idea?

edit: whoops messed up the title of this post, update the correct title

Not sure if unreal can automatically create LODs for skeletal meshes, however it can for static meshes. Just google it.

IF it is possible to make LODs for skeletal meshes, try it with one or two.

And if you are happy with results, you can either make LODs for them all. Or make editor tool that creates them in bulk.

And no do not abuse nanite, it is not magic bullet. Esp for zombie game where you probably want more that few zombies.

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can you go into more detail why isn’t it a magic bullet?

Skeletal meshes do support LoD’s. The default Manny (Third Person template) has 2 additional “generated” LoDs.

Highly recommend you only use Nanite on large extremely high poly meshes (500,000+ poly).

Nanite has a base overhead. Proper LoD’s w/optimized material instances outperform Nanite hands down.

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This is why nanite is not magic bullet:

Esp for zombie (and probably HORDE) game. Also if its game you probably want it to run on “average steam machine”, so do not use nanite just because it would be less work for you. Also nanite to have any reason to be used needs high poly meshes, which means you want (need) high quality/high poly models.

Yeah, Nanite removes the time and cost of creating LoD’s and optimized material instances, but at a performance cost. Games that lean heavily on nanite are forced to use DLSS/FSR for reasonable FPS.

Gray Zone Warfare is running nanite on, it seems, everything.
In general it runs like crap on high end PC’s. Constant stuttering, low FPS is the norm across the majority of feedback and complaints. 60FPS @1080p is what there recommended specs are targeting.

oh that’s interesting, didn’t know gray zone warfare use nanite for everything

It’s an assumption based on the visual fidelity, stuttering, and low fps. Epic pushes Nanite hard.

The note under benefits use to say “Nanite should generally be enabled wherever possible. Any Static Mesh that has it enabled will typically render faster, and take up less memory and disk space.”

Essentially hinting at turning it on for everything. Obviously after community push back they changed it to reflect reality.