Can my system handle UE 5+?

Hello all.

I’ve been playing around with UE 5+ and building worlds but having issues with a GPU that can’t handle the engine very well (currently a GTX 1650 4GB). I am about to install a new GPU that should fare better but want to ensure the rest of my build is sufficient.

I HATE the ‘texture streaming has exceeded graphics memory’

Any input would be welcome.

– Ryzen 7 5800 X CPU (8 cores)
– 500 GB SSD
– 2 TB SSD external
– Raedon RX 68700 Nitro 16 GB

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It looks like it will be fine :slight_smile:

That error is related to the number of textures that have been loaded by the GPU since the editor opened, it’s not just your current level.

If you spend a long time auditioning different materials and textures, you will get that message, along with the world-famous ‘texture streaming poolsize’ message.

4GB is very low. 16 will be fine.

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Yeah - I have that now LOL Maybe I am just being too demanding of what I want, but it’s for somewhat of an open-world RPG, so wile every interior portion of the adventure is a separate instance, the world itself is not. And I am using autolayers for my landscape…

Is there a way to get rid of that error without taking away the textures or is it just something I’ll have to ignore?

Do you mean the ’ TEXTURE STREAMING POOL OVER…’ message? You can use the console command ’ r.Streaming.PoolSize 4000’, that might help.

Possibly also make the landscape material less complex.

I’ll try the command, thanks.

The landscape itself isn’t too complex, I think. I do am running auto-generated landscape code to transition from dirt to rock to cliff face to mountain based on the Z axis, but nothing too extreme. One mountain…

Thanks for the input!

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You might try 4k textures, if you’re using 8.

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