I have a question. Can my my game have multiple HUDS?
I currently have six levels so far. I am trying to display the level on the HUD that player is currently on. I can make multiple HUD BP and select which one to show. However, when I do this the HUD overwrites what the player is currently on. Meaning if the player is on level 2 and I select level 1’s HUD BP it displays level 1. How can I make it so each level displays the HUD?
If you want to display just a number of current level, you can send the number in variable and show it on the HUD. You can send the variable by using BP Interface, for example, or by Cast, if you have the reference of it.
If you want to show completely different HUD BPs in Levels, U can set different gamemodes with own Huds on each level, or make some Huds right inside the HUD BP and call them depending on which level U are on.
Put the current level number as a variable in your GameMode or GameState. Then from your HUD BP, access that variable to display it. When you advance a level, you should simply set this variable to the proper level number
Thanks for you help on this question. I did what was shown above, However, it cause a warning to occur. This warning happens when I cause my function level 1 HUD, That looks like this. Not sure what this warning means. My event graph is here