Can M_MS_Suface_Material Be Used In Asset Creation for Unreal Marketplace

I am building a model to sell in the Unreal Marketplace. I created a material for the model that uses “M_MS_Surface_Material” as a parent.

This material parent is located here:

Engine/Plugins/Bridge Content/MSPresets/M_MS_Surface_Material

---- The Problem:

Clearly, the material supports Quixel Bridge Megascans imports. But does the material belong to Quixel or Epic Games? If the material belongs to Quixel, I assume cannot use it, per Quixel’s Terms of Use. But if the material belongs to Epic Games as part of Quixel’s integration, can I use the preset as a materials parent?

Please advise.

When you create something that you want to sell, you need to own or have permission to use someone else’s content. Simply make your own material and the problem will resolve itself.