I’m interested in basically making the landscape transparent at a given location, when you say attack it there, and nowhere else. Can a terrain layer mask be used to make it change only in one place, and make the terrain become invisible (but still with collision)?
Yes, there is a node called “Landscape Visibility Mask” that you can use to mask out parts of landscape and create holes in it.
Here is a great tutorial on landscapes by epic. He goes over a lot, but somewhere near the end he goes over landscape visibility masks.
Oh, I should have specified, I mean through blueprints in realtime. Like can you have the mask be active and change it during gameplay? Basically I’m just thinking of methods around the perennial question of changing landscape in realtime. I know that the heightmap cannot be altered, and I’m thinking neither can visibility, but if you could somehow make the material itself change to an invisible one in only specific locations such as with a mask, and then switch off the player collision channel with terrain, it would effectively allow the creation of small holes at runtime, say for digging a trench. Do you know if visibility masks would allow this? Thanks for your response btw.